Prefect for renters seeking a hassle-free alternative to installing a heated mirror, Airo provides a convenient, automated, plug-and-play solution to eliminate the frustration of foggy mirrors without any structural modifications.
Check out Agneya Kulkarni’s Page with the process and developemnt to learn more.
Sep-Dec 2024
Agneya Kulkarni: Product Research, Development, and Lead Designer.
Ethan Solodukhin: In-context product renderings.
How Does it Function?
Mechanically, the device works by blowing hot air across the surface of a mirror. The heat causes the small droplets of water present on the surface of the mirror (fog) to evaporate, in turn making the mirror clear.
The device is stuck onto the mirror using four heavy-duty suction cups. This prevents any damage to the mirror from adhesives or other solutions.
The Sliders.
The heat slider, indicated by the red LED, adjusts the fan speed and heat setting of the unit. It provides three levels of heat and fan speed adjustments and an off-setting. A tactile click is felt at each setting, clearly indicating the selection.
This image shows the perspective of the user looking down at the defogger utilizing the mirror and LED function to get a better view of himself brushing his teeth.
The Features.
The Automation.
One of the main feedback points from the interviews taken was to increase automation and reduce the wait time of the defogging process.
A humidity sensor is paired with the defogger. This function allows the defogger to automatically turn on when a certain level of humidity is reached.
As a result, the mirror will be clear after the user steps out the shower.
Using the digital display and navigation buttons, the user can easily adjust their desired level of humidity. For example, if the defogger turns on too early during their shower, they can increase the threshold level in this way.